A list of coaches available to help Lake City athletes:

Kim Stevenson
Phone (Home) 07 346 3068 Mobile : 02108222590
email : physeder77@gmail.com
Coaching Qualifications :
Athletics New Zealand Accredited Coach
Bachelor of Physical Education Degree from USA, Majoring in Sports Coaching including Coaching Track & Field and Cross Country.
Qualified to Coach: Sprint & Hurdles, Middle & Long Distance running, Jumps and Throws.
IAAF Olympic Solidarity Coaching Certificate in Field events.
Experience and Record in Coaching :
40 years Coaching. Mostly Middle and long Distance running. Six National Titles in last 10 years.
Secondary School level : New Zealand Secondary Schools Athletics Champs. Over 27 attended no athlete placing any lower than 6th. Includes Sprints, Jumps and Throwing events
- New Zealand Secondary Schools Athletics Association Service Award 2018
- Sport Bay of Plenty Service to Secondary School Sport Award 2014
- AthleticsNZ Long Service Award 2012
- Hendrix College (USA) Sport Hall of Honor Inductee 2012

Jason Cameron
Victory Coaching
Phone 021 465 274
email: jasoncameron@xtra.co.nz
Coaching Qualifications :
Lifelong runner, Athletics NZ & IAAF Level 2 Accredited Middle & Long Distance Coach
Experience and Record in Coaching :
4Former NZ senior champion & medallist over distances from 1500m to 10,000m, cross country & road.
NZ representative to World Cross Country Championships, Chiba Ekiden, Seoul International Half Marathon
Six times World Masters Champion 1500m, 5000m, Cross Country.
My passion is assisting people of all ages and abilities to achieve their running goals